Low Energy.
These photos are from last week. I've had amazing friends take me on super cool adventures recently.
That said. I am so tired. Perhaps it was the week of early morning work shifts- well it was a combination of things. It seems that once the weather shifted- after 2 months of solid sun- the clouds came and my body was like- uh, you can take a break now/ you're going to take a break.
Such low energy. I feel I've been on the verge of a cold for all of July now?
Anyway- apart from that life is good. I've been granted 2 solid months off work- shutdown included so adventure opportunities are flowing like never before.
There was a boat I went and took a look at yesterday. I was excited for it but think it might have sold as the Kijiji add is gone. The time will come, right? It was the right price and I could see myself living on it.
Anyway, I thought these were awesome pictures. More family is in town right now and my heart is overflowing with inspiration for how healthy and positive life can be.
Until then, I shall sulk- just kidding- rest and embrace the downtime and know it will only lead to awesomeness when I'm ready.
Until then!
